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What is music?


What even is music?


        For some of us, indeed music is a day in the life. For others, it may be a part of identity or even a career. So, it can be concluded that music plays a great part for all of us, even for those who said that they didn't like the noise in their ears, but still they would love one or two of the songs they ever heard.

        And, back to the main question. What is music?

        From the,


            "an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color."

        And from the,

                "the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity"

        But, then, it just still the definition of music. What we heard for everyday just seems to be more than meaningful words packed together. I personally thought it could be more than this 'cause there's emotion for when you feel the easy-listening vibes, like this one below:

        Or the feeling when you're blue :

        The feeling when you're head over heels:

        Or even the tune that reminds us of the memories from the childhood:

        That's the only that I can show you, but you can feel emotion as such for some songs. In the end of the day, maybe the definition of music doesn't matter too much. What we should have maybe some understanding that others have different kind of music taste and that should be cherished. From that, I suppose, all of the different genre of music may come into existence like jazz was from the harmony of Africa and the melody of Classical music, or RnB flourished with the development of bass and polyrhythm and so much more. 


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