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How Uniform got into Indonesia's curriculum


[Ok. Uniforms]

    So before jumping into the conclusion, we need to understand why the uniform even exist on the first place. 

    According to some source, the origin of uniforms came way back to the 13th century in the suburbs of England. The Christ Hospital's boarding school came with an idea to make a dress code for the students. 

The 'Cappa Clausa'

    Meaning 'closed cape' according to, it took the design from the monk's or the pastor's fashion, where they usually wore on formal occasion like a baptism session or just a preach to the people. The reason why it have to be the pastor's or monk's uniform was likely because the impression of their appearance and also the view to the religious people were dignified. So, I think it was the hope from the people so their kids could continue the impression by being educated from the boarding school. Beside from that reason, I believe that uniforms like this were used so the segregation from the wealthy and the unlucky one could be easily erased.

    Basically, the cappa clausa consists of a blue coat and a yellow stocking from which were provided by the citizen of the time. The students would wore the coat with a slight adjustment such as badges or just a hat, but the main clothes are still the blue coat and yellow stockings. The existence of Cappa Clausa stood out for centuries until approximately after the Second World War. Thus, giving the nickname 'blue cloak' school.

But let's go back to the title.

"How Uniforms got into the Indonesian Curriculum?"

    Well, until 2022, the Indonesian government have claimed its independence for 77 years. Before that, Indonesian people were colonized by the Dutch Empire, then the British, and the last was the Japan Autocracy. It lasted approximately 350 years and finally reached the independence state on 17 August 1945. 
    So, back then when Indonesia was still the part of the Dutch Colony, very little people were getting education because of the overview and policy that education was only for the wealthy and royal lineage. From this time also, the poor couldn't get any benefit from the system unless they were educated by a non-formal organization such as religious boarding school. After that, one of many royal descendants, R. A. Kartini, started to feel the inequality. She would often taught those who don't have any educational stage. 

    So, from the example above, she was teaching those in need. The learning process usually didn't use any formal clothes or even a badge. At that time, it was normal to learn in everyday clothes such as Batik or Songket. Anything else was also permitted but it remained non-formal because what they think mattered was the learning process and the contribution to the Dutch Government.

-- Then What? --

    When the Japan Autocracy reigned, the military personality of Japan was infused to the educational system and the curriculum in the form of official ceremony every morning and military training for all of the students. So, for three and a half years, Indonesian people were being directed to the purpose of regaining control over the war in the Pacific. In the process, the military would gave propaganda to the people and tried to manipulate with independence-purposed organizations. The so-called organizations would have a part of military training, indirectly using the uniform in the process. The uniform used was needed to give the people a feeling of resemblance and integrity among their comrades. After the Japan left, the uniform was finally adopted into the curriculum and military system but the uniform wasn't the same in every places. 

New Order Era

    Time passed with the uniforms and Indonesia haven't thought about it much more again since there were aggressions from the Dutch Empire and some of the people demanded change by revolutionizing and provoking the citizen so they could make a new nation with new ideology. Jumping from the Old Order, Indonesia was led by General Soeharto and his cabinet. In this era, everything about the uniform was going to be changed by the director general of Primary and Secondary Education, Idik Sulaeman

    That man, was the one who thought about the design of our standardized uniform, from primary school up to senior high school. He made the design based from the characteristics of each education level. For the primary school, it was red, the symbol of burning spirit and the spontaneity of each individuals. For the Secondary level, it was dark blue. This color was chosen because it symbolize the passion and communication in which at that level, individuals start to work on each other and indirectly practicing the communication skills needed. And at last, Third level was given the color of greyish blue. Representing the wisdom, adultness, and composure of those in order to give them (the individuals) a sense of how does it feels as an adult. 

    In the end, you might don't really care too much about why color matters, but the reason for you to wear a standardized clothes need to be questioned. All of these understanding is just a form of tradition that passes through any individuals and it doesn't have any good reason. For me, I think it's better for all of us to wear what we want, but indeed it will cause a gap in the social structure. But for this reason, I have think about the solution. 

    So instead of telling everybody to use the same clothes, why don't we just teach them how to dress politely and decent enough so that anybody won't be involved in any unwanted position. 

    But, who am I to intervene with the government policy? 


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