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Generation Global

Global. Such a familiar word and always associated with 'whole'. I mean, there's a really nice tune from which we all have heard before sometimes in our life. 

But let's keep it real,

    What is Global Generation?


          of, relating to, or involving the entire world : Worldwide

And from, generation have the main meaning of :

generation [noun]

    all the living things in a group that are born or start to exist at about the same time, and are related to one that existed at an earlier point in time

So, basically I want to discuss about this is because of one of my meeting a few days ago. It was a discussion time mainly talking about the concept of global generation and how it will affect us in the future. And one of the thing that making me interested was how subjective and varying the main idea of global generation is. From my notes, I recalled :

  1. a generation that cares and visibly aware of what issues is happening around the world
  2. a generation that has an impact or doing an action toward global issues
  3. a generation that has a role in determining the current of civilization
And that's still from my notes; there's still plenty of meaning that my interlocutors spoke about, but those definitions can still represent the total opinion. 

From there, I, as one of the speakers, started to gather around the information and see how it would seemed in the cultural society of Indonesia. The first thing that was occupying my mind is the basic meaning of the phrase itself. 

Global Generation = Global + Generation

Let's think if every person now on earth is a 'global generation', then why is it still being called a 'global' generation? Why bother to use the word 'global' if every person is included. So, I started to see the phrase 'global generation' as a whole and cannot be excluded from each other. Therefore, one of the meaning for global generation for me is :

'every person is and must be included in an one generation, that is Global Generation'

And now, with that being put to the side, I thought about how the global generation will be represented in our community. After that, someone in the meeting was opening his mic:

"Is Karang Taruna classified as a step in building a Global Generation?"

Such a relieving yes I said back then.

The meeting was still being regulated by a moderator and finally reaching the main application of the 'Global Generation'. The main room was getting a bit busier than a few minutes ago and I was waking up from my dreams. The previous question was already answered by one of my friend and next, I was being questioned.

"You said back then, that for a Global Generation, it is needed a role for everybody and an impact as whole. So, what's is the role for us, students?"

At the moment, so I said :

"It was the most important thing for everybody to have a role in an organization because if someone didn't feel as a part of the organization, he/she won't get the same vision like all of us and didn't think that his/her voice will make any change. So, the first thing is to have a will or desire to have a part in the organization. And then, You will unconsciously have the role for yourself and for some of us, it might be joining the Karang Taruna, having to participate in a culture festival, having a conversation with foreigners through social media or even games, and many more."

For now, the global citizenship will be the one that need to be discussed thoroughly.



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