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1984 : Radical Fantasy of the Past

 Well, this is the first time I will tell you about a book, so let me bring it up like a comic panel :

(And no; this story is much intriguing than the illustrations above)

So, above was the story I'm abour to tell you. But first, before diving in, it's better to know the name of the story and the backstory of the author who wrote this masterpiece. 

'Nineteen Eighty-Four'

    There was this book that was published in July 1949. It was this book and have Eric Arthur Blair - or George Orwell, which he was known as - as its author. He was an English broadcaster in the BBC Eastern Service in order to fight the Nazi propaganda in the Second World War. He was born in India from a father in the Police Department in the 1903. After his father being transferred to United Kingdom, Eric went with his father and study in the English curriculum. After graduating, Eric work in the police department and then continuing as a journalist in Prance, England, and Spain. In his lifetime, he wrote books based on his real experience, like Spanish Civil War and Second World War. His early works have main themes of social criticism and opposition of totalitarian system. His works like Animal Farm (1945), Burmese Days (1934), and Coming Up For Air have a lasting impression in the literary community regarding the issues about idealism in the socialism system. Nineteen Eighty-Four was one of his best works that examining about the totalitarian system in a dystopian life, thirty five years later. 
    So let's get back to the main story :
    The beginning was portraying a 40-year-old men with the name of Winston Smith that is living a life in a party-controlled nation. He lives as a working class in London, a city affected by the Oceania and Eurasia war. A daily life that composed of anxiety and, indirectly, fear; caused by England Socialism party that was led by Big Brother has taken control of Oceania. The war is always being informed from a speaker from every building to celebrate the victory over Eurasia. Meanwhile, the condition in London was tense with the existence of the Mind Police that has the right to know every activities regarding oppositon to Big Brother's governance.

    Mind Police was helped by a device called Telescreen that is placed at every building. The Telescreen was used to see the activities of the people, from the working class to foreigners. Every act - even just the act of blinking - that denying the Big Brother's governance will be prosecuted by the Mind Police and allow the possibility of 'evaporation' or the deletion of someone's data until he's even never existed in the first place.
    Winston Smith, that has an unscratched book, intends to make it as a diary. "COUP THE BIG BROTHER", is a few words that he wrote in the first page of the book, over and over. Such a fool of him of course, but it can't be denied that it was a manifestation from what he felt. Telescreen didn't catch the words that he wrote but still whatever the condition is, the words is still there and can threaten his life. His daily life have a contribution to that incident. Working as a office workers in the England Socialism Party, he's bound to change every newspaper and paper that was published by the Notes Department to be 'corrected' with what 'should' have happened. Even so, there was this young woman, Julia and party high-rank, O'Brien.

    With her, Winston find a new way to pursue life that he's in and enjoy his life with Julia. Having the same emotion towards the government, they committed various offenses to the government, like writing how they feel in a zero-telescreen space, talks about the governing style and their opinion towards it, but in the same time, hiding it from the community and Mind Police. They made out and celebrating their freedom with sex guerilla and disobedience to the Big Brother' governance.
    Next, Winston and Julia try to join an underground radical group led by a hidden rebel leader, Goldstein. Through O'Brien, they both believe that he can become an intermediary in entering the underground organization. But unfortunately, O'Brien's efforts did not side with underground organizations, but became involved with the Mind Police and the Party. Winston and Julia end up in a forced labor camp (Joycamp) with several other people. In this epilogue, Winston and Julia are separated. Both experienced the erasure of memory and social data. Their plight is illustrated in Winston's depiction of his state in the cell; thinner, less responsive, less 'Winston'. With O'Brien's tutelage, the two of them are finally given new identities, pro-Big Brother doctrine and physical transformations so that they are as unrecognizable as they once were. At the end of the story, they are both hired and reunited in the community; realized that Bung Besar's leadership was not to be resisted.

    Advantages and Disadvantages :

        Advantage : 

  • The book has a wild / radical main story that was unexpected in its time.
            The unique themes and storytelling that help develop the concept of dystopia are the hallmarks of this book
  • Use of unique diction and language because developing a new kind of language to support the story
            The creation of the new language used in the story helps bring the theme to life
  • A Realistic and soulful Depiction because of the author's experience in the war. 
            The writing of this story ended in 1949, which was still influenced by the atmosphere of World War II. The story is clearly depicting tension and fear in the story.
  • The Use of Social Theory that is implemented in a dystopia
            The creation of a new language and the utilization of human nature is one of the major contributing factors in the development of the main character's character

        Disadvantages :

  • Use of Difficult and Archaic Diction 
            The completion of this novel was ended in 1949 which is 73 years apart so there is a vocabulary that may not be known by ordinary people in the present time.
  • Use of the History and Local Culture in England to develop the story.
            Orwell's life living in England relates to the local history and culture, making it difficult for some to understand for those who don't understand British history.

    In the end, main idea of the story is the relation of a dystopian situation where it was led by a dictator and social life of ordinary people. This novel is suited to be read by every class, but especially for people with a social Sciences background. The concept that realistic but pessimistic at the same time encourage a director, Michael Radford, to adapt the novel into film with the same title in 1984. But, regardless of the main topic, the use of language and diction is difficult because it demand more knowledge from a newcomer. So, I recommend for a newcomer to have a side dictionary when reading the book. The rest is an appreciation and honor for the author who have made history in the literature history.


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